Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Highlands stars in an EPA video about Low Impact Development

On September 24th Rick Almberg, Construction Manager for The Highlands, and Stacy Smith of the Whidbey Conservation District were interviewed at The Highlands about Low Impact Development methods used on the project. The film will debut at a conference to be held in early 2009.

Rick Almberg discusses LID aspects of The Highlands with the film crew

Storm water specialist Stacy Smith shows the videographer key points of
The Highlands storm water management system.
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Monday, September 1, 2008

Skagit/Island Counties Builders Association Home Tour

September 12th, 13th and 14th 2008

A Ross Chapin designed cottage at The Highlands will be part of this year's tour. A total of 14 homes may be toured. Tickets are $7 and are available at each home on the day of the tour, or at Chambers of Commerce starting Sept. 2nd. For details, maps and directions to the homes, go to the SICBA website.

In conjunction with the tour The Highlands is hosting a sustainability information fair which will feature displays and demonstrations of green and sustainable materials and methods. It is not necessary to have a ticket to the tour in order to attend the fair.
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