Monday, December 21, 2009

Native Plants, they grow on you

Native plants are the backbone of landscape at The Highlands. The towering heritage firs and cedars that provide the backdrop for the neighborhood are protected by a tree preservation plan.

The understory of fern, salal, Oregon grape and evergreen huckleberry preserves wildlife corridors.

Even our model homes are decorated with wildflowers whenever possible.

The annual Whidbey Conservation District plant sale makes it easy and affordable to landscape with natives.

The Whidbey Island Conservation District is taking pre-orders now through January 30 on a beautiful assortment of Western Washington native plants. The plants are one to two years old, average in height from 8” to 36” and are bare root. Some varieties are sold as plugs or in 3.5” pots. Most plants are sold in bundles of five, and are priced very reasonably.

To receive a complete plant list and order form, contact WICD by phone, 360-678-4708, or email, You may also download a list and order form by going to the WICD web site: and follow the Plant Sale link under WICD Programs.

Pick up for all confirmed orders will occur on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at Greenbank Farm, just in time for pre-spring planting!

Order soon as stock is limited.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have the northwest corner of our property populated with Snowberries I bought years ago through the plant sale. The Grand Sequoia didn't make it :(

There is something to be said about native vegitation!