Native Mock Orange
Russell suggested a number of native plants for a disturbed soil area bordering a stormwater swale with sand/gravelly soil. After removing invasive dock, burdock and scotch broom, Russell suggested simply “pit planting” gallon size hedgerow plants and looping drip irrigation to get them established. He advised lightly grading uneven areas, breaking up the soil and planting Oregon grape (Mahonia Aquifolium), red flowering currant (Ribes Sanguineum), Nootka rose (Rosa Nutkana), snowberry (Symphoricarpos Alba), and native mock orange (Philadelphus Lewisii) “smudged together” to provide a combination of color, structure and fragrance.
One of the most important items in a hedgerow, according to Russell, is a dead tree. Though no snag currently stands at the site, workers will add a downed log or two. Over time fireweed and tiger lilies will self-seed.
The Highlands is collaborating with Whidbey Island groups to establish this public demonstration hedgerow. Whidbey Watershed Stewards, Native Plant Stewards and Whidbey Island Conservation District have all helped with plant sourcing and guidance on care. Volunteers from these and other local groups will be joining Highlands residents to plant the hedgerow on March 27th starting at 11 AM. The public is welcome to drop by, see the hedge planting in progress, get information on how to plant a hedgerow, or grab a shovel and lend a hand. Brochures on hedgerow planting, provided by the Conservation District, will be available.
The Conservation District sells native plant cuttings each year at very reasonable prices. The Highlands ordered thirty Oregon grape and native mock orange cuttings, and Highlands resident Nancy Little is caring for the plants over the next year. They will then be added to the existing hedgerow or used in planting another section of hedge.
The mature hedgerow will be between five and eight feet high and will beckon Pacific Tree Frogs, butterflies, bees, flickers, waxwings, hawks, hummingbirds and garter snakes.
I LOVE the mock orange. I bought some from the Condervation District some years back and underestimated how big they would grow. So I prune. Maybe I shhould just move them :)
I'll see you there on the 27th. Tom
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