Thursday, November 19, 2009

What kind of Islomaniac are you?

"Islomania is a rare affliction of spirit. There are people who find islands somehow irresistible. The mere knowledge that they are in a little world surrounded by sea fills them with an indescribable intoxication."
Lawrence Durrell

Every visitor to Whidbey Island suffers at some point before, during or after their sojourn here, from islomania. Some with better immunity get only a slight case lasting a few hours, or perhaps as long as a weekend, and recover upon return to the mainland. A few lucky (or poor) souls recover from the inebriation, often after quite a long residence, and suddenly leave Whidbey, running pell-mell for ferries or bridges wanting never again to see "the rock." Others discover they have the larger, chronic form of the disease, love all islands equally, wantonly and forever, and adjust their lives so as to visit as many as possible, either in person, or through the pages of magazines. Then there are the terminal cases, those who set foot on Whidbey once and find they cannot leave. Unable to stop themselves they build houses, cementing lifelong, and in many cases generations long, ties to this forty mile strip of glacial till.
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